At Baqend, our mission is to create a Web without loading times.

To achieve this goal, we are continuously pushing the boundary of what is possible on all levels of the Web application stack, including request handling & performance tracking in the browser, network stack optimizations & content delivery networks, cloud services & server-side processing, continuous data aggregation, and Big Data analytics.

Literature & Examples

You can find a list of publications that were created in the context of Orestes and Baqend on this website. This will give you a good overview for finding a topic and for the first discussion.

To get an idea how a successful student thesis might look, we assembled a few example theses from recent years.

Big Data Analytics, Visualization & Reporting

To validate and further optimize our page speed uplift, we collect performance data from website visitors continuously and in realtime. Our infrastructure for data aggregation and reporting has been custom-built to tackle the unique scalability and latency requirements that we are facing at Baqend. Related open research challenges therefore include topics from all levels of our stack, including data warehouse management, continuous stream processing, and (visual) Big Data analytics & dashboarding.


Data Collection & User Behavior

Optimizing the user experience requires monitoring what users do and how they navigate through the Web. To this end, we are actively researching the interplay between technical page loaded time on the one side and user behavior and satisfaction on the other.


Full Stack Web Performance Optimization: Frontend, Distributed Systems & Cloud Tech

Optimizing website performance is at the core of our business and therefore also at the core of our research and engineering activities. Possible student thesis topics range from web application development over network optimizations to smart backend processing.


Real-Time Databases

The infrastructure behind Speed Kit combines elements of traditional database management and cutting edge stream processing technology. Real-time databases are hybrid systems that combine elements from both these system classes.


PhD Topics

Some of the challenges that are relevant to us cannot be tackled in the context of simple student theses as solutions or sometimes even the underlying research questions are still out in the open.

We are always looking for highly motivated graduates and early-career scientists to join the Baqend Research Team as a PhD student / developer.